6 weeks
4000 kilometers
1 bike
12 liters of water
12 kg of stuffs
and me.....
I'm going to across Australia starting by the north and my goal is to reach Melbourne in 6 weeks of time.
I will travel most of my journey on the famous stuart highway sleeping in some roadhouses or in the middle of the desert with my tent and my sleeping bag. I should precise during the night, the tempature goes under 0°C, arround -5°C, that's for the desert.
I will have with me my best friend and my girlfriend:
best friend: my bike.
girlfriend: my water.
I will travel in 3 australian states: Northern territory, South Australia and Victoria
I will try to update my blog the more often I can.
10 commentaires:
Hi tancrede, i just wanted to say that your out of your mind but good luck anyway.
All the best from Laura in Canada - looking forward to reading about your adventures. Happy trails :)
hey tancrede, you dead yet??
hello hello tancrede.! well obviously u havent died!(yeah!) i saw the pictures and uve done really well so far. i dont think ide b brave enough to ride even half that way!! but u know swimming with crocodiles is just asking to b killed! its not a good idea.lol i was looking at the picutre u took before u left and im guessing that there is eight beers on ya bike.lol im probably wrong though. if im right i hope i can hav 1 when ya get bak.lol well keep up the good work! dont giv up! it looks pretty lonely out there!(but at least ya got sum nice young girls to keep ya company.lol) well i betta go...bon chance!!
Hey Koncrete,I am a friend of the Elliott family in Pakenham Vic,and also happen to be a truck driver,I am not happy with your comments re "its good to meet nice girls instead of truck drivers " I am very hurt by your comments but I promise not to run you over if I see you on your Bike,hope to catch up in Melbourne.SuperTrucker
Bon on va changer un peu et retourner à cette bonne vieille langue française!
Tout d'abord félicitations, tu incarnes parfaitement notre devise :"impossible n'est pas Français" la preuve...
C'est Nicole Elliott qui m'a donné l'adresse de ton blog en me conseillant d'y jeter un coup d'oeil parce que cela valait le coup et je suis bien d'accord!
J'espère que tout continue à aller pour le mieux pour toi, courage plus que quelques milliers de kilomètres et tout Melbourne sera à tes pieds!
Au fait je suis la petite soeur de Francois Letouzé que tu as apparemment connu à Saint Marie.
Bon courage et attention aux crocodiles...
Anne Letouzé
PS: Dommage que tu n'aies pas été Normand...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well tancrede.... its good to know that you are still alive! keep up the good work! hope to see you when you get back! cheers
Hi Tancrede!
Hope that you are going well. It must be quite an adventure!
By the way Max, do we know you?!!!
Very interesting site Tancrede!
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